Older Campers

We offer the Tierhelfer Program as an option for campers who are 12+ but who are not yet in high school. For students in the summer after their 8th grade year, they can choose between the Tierhelfer Program and the Junior Counselor Program (please see below for the difference between the two programs). Please register for the Tierhelfer Program using a regular registration form and write “TIERHELFER” next to your child’s name.

Tierhelfers will spend the morning and also some time during the afternoon learning about and performing tasks related to the running of Country Camp. This includes providing basic care to some of the animals on the farm. Tierhelfers will engage in some physical work, including cleaning, scooping, weeding, pushing a wheelbarrow, assisting with building and painting projects, watering and feeding and/or assisting with the bathing of animals, washing eggs, and learning how to use the following tools (with supervision): drill, hammer, hand-saw, wire cutters, rake. Tierhelfers will not use power tools.

How is this different from the Junior Counselor program?

  • Tierhelfers will not be responsible for supervising other campers.
  • Tierhelfers will not help with leading camp activities.
  • Tierhelfers will eat lunch with peers and not with the counselor group.
  • Country Camp’s Director or a counselor will direct and supervise all Tierhelfer activities.
  • Tierhelfers will play games with the other campers as their time allows, but if they are working on a different task they will forgo playing games on occasion.
  • Tierhelfers will join the regular camp group during the day at determined intervals.
  • Tierhelfers may be asked to assist in a non-costumed capacity during some of imagination time.

If you have questions about the Tierhelfer program, please contact us at thecountrycamp@gmail.com